Moving right along…

So here are the main points: I did have a plan in 2017 but as you probably noticed, much like the plans that have preceded it, it didn’t quite work out… hence the abrupt hiatus of Forgot to Forget You pretty much one second after I restarted it. I’m putting F2FU on hiatus once more […]


The Boyfriend Hunt So. There were a couple of things I expected to happen over the next couple of days; I expected work to be annoying and exhausting. I expected avoiding Akudo to make it even more stressful. I expected Maminat to buy a tree and become (for the time being) convinced that horticulture is […]


Loser We’re just sad clowns, tamed and scripted, I’ve come too far, I’m coming home, I wanna go back To when I was young. – BIG BANG, Loser ( Can you die from awkwardness? Because that’s what I felt like doing when Akudo had to elbow Derin aside just to get Etomi’s tall frame in […]

Sorry for the Radio Silence…

I keep dragging this Radio/Broadcast metaphor, don’t I? Will I ever get tired of it? Who even knows?! Ah ha ha -ahem. Anyways. Apologies for the sudden silence. Summer Holidays struck and (me being the blue chip Mom that I am) took me completely by surprise so I’m still reeling from having all the energy […]


The Thing with Akudo and Derin and Me…. At my job you don’t close for the day, you sneak out while your direct supervisor is using the bathroom… At least that’s what I did. Today however, after stealthily grabbing my purse and giving Foluso the look, rather than making a break for it, I veered […]

There should have been a post today –

And I’m real sorry that there wasn’t! I’ve had to push forward the next instalment for #dyrm because I’m helping plan an event this week and it’s ended up taking up way more of my time than I expected it to 😦 Expect news of a posting schedule for both stories by next week as […]


I’m just going to get it out of the way right now. One of the first things you should probably know about me, before anything else like why I write or my fave genres or what I’m reading or watching, etc, is that I’m a little obsessed with Korean Pop music. And it’s not a […]